Twenty years ago, the thirty million word gap emerged in the US as an education issue for children starting kindergarten with language disadvantage. New research however shows the word gap is not the number of words children hear, as first thought. Read: Key To Vocabulary Gap Is Quality Of Conversations Conversational turns between a parent and child emerged as the key to
Talking to your baby from birth [especially when hearing-devices are worn], is crucial for their infant language development. While most babies hear for two months before birth, there will be babies with hearing devices who need to build up their word and sound-vocabulary after missing sounds earlier on. Chatting During Family Time One book, Small
Ten years ago, one family in Perth (Australia), was worried their young son Isaac, might never talk. He’s since proved himself as a natural orator. Perth boy born #deaf, now a public speaker | #hearing #edchat — Caroline Carswell (@irishdeafkids) April 20, 2014 Subtitles can be activated on the video by clicking the ‘CC’
Several fascinating articles on cochlear implants and literacy appeared in the recent world press, some of which are collated here for reading. Early Child Literacy Child literacy improves when a cochlear implant is accessed before age 3, to maximise a child’s residual hearing, and to address early vocabulary gaps with activities like parent-child talking interactions and
Children and young people who wear hearing-aids and cochlear implants can use a new microphone, the Roger Pen, which cuts background noise when listening to music, stories or TV and pairs with mobile phones for calls. Infants and Preschoolers As babies with hearing-devices travel in buggies, the words their carer says to them, goes directly from the
Passive screen time for under-twos has no educational benefit and may slow language development, according to US-based nonprofit entity, ChildTrends. Read: Tech For Tots – Not All Bad – Or Good One-To-One Interactions “Children learn best by interacting with other people and the world around them”, said Kathy Hirsh-Pasek of Temple University. To this end,
Sibling influences shape a younger child’s language more than was thought, according to new research of 385 preschoolers in Ontario, Canada, and which was published in the February print edition of Pediatrics magazine. Older children influence language development This research has implications for children with hearing issues in larger families, where parents may interact less
Childrens’ spoken language skills benefit from responsive interactions with childhood educators and parents, according to research from the University of North Carolina’s Frank Porter Graham (FPG) child development institute. These points are valid for infants whose hearing issues are detected near birth, and who receive digital hearing devices as a priority. Read: Early Educators Build Childrens’ Communication
The Audiology field is in line for major benefits from remote (tele) provision of health services (tele-health), a recent piece in Audiology Online notes. Free Software and Desktop-Sharing Apps Widely available, free software tools like Skype or ooVoo can be used for video-conferencing, with remote desktop sharing software applications connecting both parties in a telehealth
A Minnesota-based preschool program using the spoken-language approach with children who have hearing issues is expanding after families saw their hearing children gain from being in the same language-heavy environment. Read: Preschool for children with hearing issues expands “The kids’ interaction helps with their social development, parents love it; they want their kids to be
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