On November 5th, 2010, The Irish Medical Times published a very significant piece, “Review Set To Tackle Audiology Waiting Lists“. IDK is delighted to see the NAR taking these steps in very difficult economic conditions. DeafHear (formerly the NAD) also deserves commendation for its sustained campaign toward universal newborn hearing screening (UNHS). According to the
The National Audiology Review is inviting submissions from parents & carers of deaf children and service users, before March 19, 2010. This feedback is from a mother of a 4 year old boy who was diagnosed as being profoundly deaf at 14 months old. 1. Newborn Hearing Screening: Why do babies not automatically have hearing
After receiving several queries about Lamh, the manual language, we asked Mary Cullen, Lamh Development Officer, a few questions. What is Lámh? Lámh is the accepted manual sign system used by children and adults with intellectual disability in Ireland. Some people use Lámh as their main way of communicating while others use Lámh together with
A teacher just contacted IDK to advise that a young deaf pupil had arrived in her class without prior notice, and what were the next steps to take? For anyone else who may be in the same position, here’s some advice: 1) Ask your pupil’s parents/guardian if their hearing has been tested and if hearing
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