The Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI) held a conference in Dublin, ‘Disability Through The Lifecourse‘, on September 16th, 2014. This event was very relevant to Sound Advice, with the keynote speaker, Professor Sheila Riddell from the University of Edinburgh, citing post-school transitions research from NDCS in her keynote presentation. Most of the social group profiled from
Fresh concerns over cuts to education supports for deaf/hoh pupils in the UK have emerged, after one-third of councils cut supports in 2011. NDCS is also reporting that almost one-half of London’s local councils did not respond to a Freedom of Information request to disclose spending plans by April 2, 2013. Read: Charity’s fears over
Monica Heck, a past student of journalism at DCU, wrote a feature piece on deaf students at third-level in Ireland, for DCU’s College View paper. Read: Deafness at Third Level Each student will choose different supports at third-level. Some prefer speed-text (digital note-taking), or CART (ad verbatim note-taking), with a minority preferring sign-interpreters. Ireland’s Deaf Pupils
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