Parents working with babies and children whose cochlear implants are newly activated, need to label particular noises with the children and emphasise listening skills to start recognising everyday sounds. One Arizona-based audiologist has devised a game for this listening-and-talking process: Read: Audiologist game to boost kids’ listening skills Talk To Newborns With Hearing-Aids Jacque Scholl
On December 18th 2013, Ireland’s health minister, James Reilly, delivered one of the best possible Christmas presents the Sound Advice team could have received. His health-service plan for 2014 listed €3.22 million to develop pediatric services for bilateral cochlear implants at the national cochlear implant centre at Beaumont Hospital in Dublin. Bilateral Pediatric Implants Funded
Video-conferencing and telemedicine strategies are used in Tennessee (US) by Vanderbilt University’s Bill Wilkerson Center to reach families of newborn babies who need follow-up tests after failing an initial hearing test at birth. Initiative Allows Remote Hearing Tests For Newborns Vanderbilt’s Audiology, SLT and VTOD Training Cleverly, the same programme will teach Vanderbilt’s pediatric audiology and
The Visiting Teacher Service in Ireland is being reviewed by the Department of Education in the context of pupils’ changed needs and new technologies. January 20th, 2014 is YOUR deadline to feed back on your experiences of the Visiting Teacher Service (VTS) in Ireland, for this review. Dept of Education: Review of the Visiting Teacher Service
Children who receive cochlear implants can progress for several years afterward, a longitudinal research project by Penn State University shows. In a milestone multi-year study, the researchers found students’ peer relationships were impacted by teacher and peer acceptance within a school. Positive Long-Term Outcomes of Cochlear Implantation “We didn’t actually know how implanted children would do
Many parents ask the Sound Advice team, “what is AVT”? In short, Auditory-Verbal Therapy is a parent-led approach that teaches deaf children to listen and talk by using their residual hearing with consistent wearing of digital hearing-devices. Knowing that almost all deaf babies and children have usable hearing, AVT optimises their latent listening skills, which leads
Childrens’ spoken language skills benefit from responsive interactions with childhood educators and parents, according to research from the University of North Carolina’s Frank Porter Graham (FPG) child development institute. These points are valid for infants whose hearing issues are detected near birth, and who receive digital hearing devices as a priority. Read: Early Educators Build Childrens’ Communication
Three educators are optimising a software product for students with hearing issues to access audio-visual content, to achieve a universal design for a concurrent, mainstream student pool that was not envisaged at the outset. Educators Build Web-Based Literacy Assessment Software AvenueDHH Platform The product, AvenueDHH, gives educators a standardised way to measure student literacy while allowing
Links between music and speech rhythms have long been documented, with digital hearing-devices and imaging technologies bringing new insights to how we interpret these rhythms in everyday activities – including reading. Music “Is” Language This collection of links starts by explaining how music appreciation sessions for children that mix music with movement, can improve auditory-language skills,
The Audiology field is in line for major benefits from remote (tele) provision of health services (tele-health), a recent piece in Audiology Online notes. Free Software and Desktop-Sharing Apps Widely available, free software tools like Skype or ooVoo can be used for video-conferencing, with remote desktop sharing software applications connecting both parties in a telehealth
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