IDK’s June 2013 presentation at the annual conference of the UK’s National Association of Disability Practitioners was published in the Conference Edition of the Journal of Inclusive Practice in Further and Higher Education (JIPHE). Caroline from @irishdeafkids talking at #nadp about her experience and what needs to change. — Ai-Media UK (@aimediaUK) June 28, 2013
Sibling influences shape a younger child’s language more than was thought, according to new research of 385 preschoolers in Ontario, Canada, and which was published in the February print edition of Pediatrics magazine. Older children influence language development This research has implications for children with hearing issues in larger families, where parents may interact less
All babies lip-read from about 6 months of age, to learn mouth-shapes for the sounds they hear, according to researchers at Florida Atlantic University. When a baby gazes intently at a speaker’s mouth, this indicates they are working to learn to form syllables for themselves, instead of just babbling. Read: Babies Learn Language By Reading
Everyone lipreads to an extent regardless of their hearing, to get a sense of what people are saying to us. Deaf and hard-of-hearing people can rely almost fully on lip-reading, as they may not have the sound input to know what others are saying to them, or to follow a conversation. Charlie Swinbourne, a deaf writer
Most deaf children with residual hearing can learn to lip-read and speak when digital hearing devices and speech therapy are available from a very early age (zero to three). Free eBook For Families Teaching Spoken Language Try this ebook, “Teaching A Deaf Child To Hear And Talk: Perfectly!” (PDF format) This is called the oral approach. For hearing
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