The What Works Ireland initiative from DCEDIY ran an Online Festival of Learning in November 2020, focusing to prevention and early intervention in government and social services. Four types of public entrepreneur were named at the outset: Efficiency Drivers. Driving workflow innovation for efficiency. Bureaucracy Hacker. Creating value with process innovation. Market Shapers. Grant making,
Cochlear implants and infant intervention remove limits, as in these videos of Esraa El Bably (Egypt’s first deaf dentist) and New Zealand’s Josh Foreman (clinical physiology graduate). Foreman (below), the youngest New Zealander to receive a cochlear implant at the time, just graduated from the University of Auckland and works as a clinical exercise physiologist
Lisa Goldstein is a journalist based in Pittsburgh, who happens to be deaf and verbal, with a cochlear implant. We interviewed her to discover what life is like when working her day job and running a family home with a hearing husband, two children and cat. SA: What bugs you most when people don’t understand your own
Several factors shaped our 2014 move to restructure the IDK (Irish Deaf Kids) venture from a dual-registered entity with CRO and CHY status, into Sound Advice as a sole tradership. Professionalising The Venture Between 2007 and 2014 (Ireland’s recession years), the professionalism underpinning the IDK venture went unseen, despite the founder’s past exposure to digital transformation within the publishing and corporate
Sound Advice’s start-up story is on the Ulster Bank sponsored ‘Small Business Can’ website, in the seventh anniversary month of seeking seed capital for the idea that became the irishdeafkids (IDK) website. NOTE: in 2014, IDK rebranded as Sound Advice, to reflect the altered landscape the entity is operating in as a result of achieving
This post follows “Ireland’s Only Audiology Course Being Scrapped” (August 2, 2013). Today, the students don’t have the answers they need, and are losing time to transfer to new audiology courses in the UK. To start with, what is the impact of Ireland losing its only audiology course? Dropping this 4-year degree course at Athlone Institute
The Irish Times Insight magazine asked what state supports are open to entrepreneurs with disability who start a business – at risk of losing any social welfare benefits they may get? Interestingly, mainstream education is cited as a source of the learning and skills people need for self-employment. Fiona Reddan talked to Caroline Carswell about her
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