Sound Advice, with WorkJuggle, Find A Venue, Fetch, Grand Designs and Guardian Safety, was invited by Startup Ballymun to speak at a mentoring evening during November 2017. Hearing From Entrepreneurs At Varying Stages It takes a team! – the @StartUpBallymun entrepreneurs panel with co-organisers @BillyLinehan and @liamcbarry1978 with @Marggranddesign @WorkJuggle @soundadvice_pro @gogetfetch @findavenue @GuardianSafety2 – thanx to
Accenture Ireland hosted its 13th celebration of International Womens’ Day at Dublin’s Convention Centre with some fantastic female speakers from journalists to leaders in the public service, sports, tech, business, science and arts sectors. Female business leaders, music,a women's rugby legend,and science and art with #womenonwalls. Great morning so far at #IWDCCD — Isabel
Disruptive principles in business leadership were recently presented by Dr Trish Gorman (US) in Dublin, at a masterclass with the IntertradeIreland All-Island Innovation Programme. For Sound Advice, this masterclass confirmed: Sound Advice is a disruptive entity (modernising Ireland’s deaf sector and education) The disruptive effect of bilateral cochlear implants (children hear speech in both ears) Visible role models transmit core values, coach
Frameweld, the New York-based digital media firm, hosted an excellent webinar, “The Why and How of Online Captioning” on June 26th, 2013. All videos, slides and Q&A topics from the webinar are in this blog post: Review: The Why And How Of Online Captioning This topic is pertinent, with leading educational institutions tasked to find affordable
In June 2013, Sound Advice’s Caroline Carswell gave a workshop, “Mindset Change: Transforming Perceptions of Ability“, at the conference of the UK’s National Association of Disability Practitioners (NADP), in Cheshire, northern England. The Problem (Solution)! Read: Active Role Modeling Explained Parents, fearing for their child’s social, emotional and physical wellness, can overprotect a child and
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