The Irish Times Insight magazine asked what state supports are open to entrepreneurs with disability who start a business – at risk of losing any social welfare benefits they may get? Interestingly, mainstream education is cited as a source of the learning and skills people need for self-employment. Fiona Reddan talked to Caroline Carswell about her
Having live classroom-captions in school has led a deaf teen in Australia, to consider a career in computer programming or in the general IT field. Read: Real-time captions for deaf HSC student Interestingly, the student emphasises how classroom-captions have boosted his literacy skills, while providing a detailed set of notes from each class. Further Reading
Teaching supports like captioning on a tablet PC, can allow deaf students to learn in operating theatre practicals where everyone is masked and gowned. The University of California solved the issue of a deaf student lip-reading masked colleagues in theatre, by using a tablet PC to provide live-captioning (CART). The PC device was wrapped in clear plastic
Monica Heck, a past student of journalism at DCU, wrote a feature piece on deaf students at third-level in Ireland, for DCU’s College View paper. Read: Deafness at Third Level Each student will choose different supports at third-level. Some prefer speed-text (digital note-taking), or CART (ad verbatim note-taking), with a minority preferring sign-interpreters. Ireland’s Deaf Pupils
IDK’s latest seminar, “Exploring Post-School and College Options”, was held in Dublin on November 3rd, 2011 for deaf teens and their parents to explore college, career and employment options. Seminar topics covered: The DARE (Disability Access Route to Education) system Third-level college supports for deaf/hard-of-hearing students Internships and volunteer work for students Paid mentored placements
Dublin’s Southside People newspaper (July 6th edition) mentions how a young deaf pupil at a Dublin school is at risk of losing her classroom SNA (special needs assistant), if the current SNA-funding crisis is not resolved. Parents’ pain at special needs education cuts This Wednesday (July 13th), the Dail Technical Committee is meeting to dedicate their
“Sorting post in the mailroom of a large UK publishing house wasn’t what I went to university for. Admittedly the job was in the right field – publishing – the subject of my post-graduate diploma. The difficulty lay in convincing my new colleagues to see my potential, and not to focus on my hearing issues
A question that comes my way is, “where are all the deaf people?”. It’s mainly people over forty who ask this question. Many, never having met a deaf person, are full of questions about the daily challenges, peoples’ attitudes, technology and so on. Others, not wanting to cause offence, don’t voice their questions but stumble along with any
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