Like doctors, veterinarians who’re deaf can use adapted stethoscopes to listen to animal heartbeats and gauge vital signs during their daily work. For vets like Bethan Hindson (UK), demonstrating ability and addressing outdated attitudes led to acceptance to study veterinary practice at college – which should not be the case. Accessible, Remote Learning Is Key
Teaching supports like captioning on a tablet PC, can allow deaf students to learn in operating theatre practicals where everyone is masked and gowned. The University of California solved the issue of a deaf student lip-reading masked colleagues in theatre, by using a tablet PC to provide live-captioning (CART). The PC device was wrapped in clear plastic
IDK’s latest seminar, “Exploring Post-School and College Options”, was held in Dublin on November 3rd, 2011 for deaf teens and their parents to explore college, career and employment options. Seminar topics covered: The DARE (Disability Access Route to Education) system Third-level college supports for deaf/hard-of-hearing students Internships and volunteer work for students Paid mentored placements
IDK’s “Meet and Greet” workshop for teenagers on April 2nd in Portlaoise, welcomed attendees from counties Donegal, Waterford, Dublin and Carlow. After introductions, the morning session was opened by Mike Rossney, the first presenter, who mentioned his own securities when moving to secondary school. He then coached the teens in their technique when meeting new
Deafness had a key role in the invention of the phone, the internet and SMS texting. Miriam Walsh explains the link to each technology. Would you consider deafness to have influenced the telephone, Internet and SMS texting as everyday communication tools? Most people would not – but deafness is the universal link. The Phone Let’s
“Sorting post in the mailroom of a large UK publishing house wasn’t what I went to university for. Admittedly the job was in the right field – publishing – the subject of my post-graduate diploma. The difficulty lay in convincing my new colleagues to see my potential, and not to focus on my hearing issues
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