Ireland – the latest country in Europe to move its healthcare system to the cloud – held its first Health Innovation Week from November 19 to 24, 2016 with speakers ranging from chief information officers in healthcare from the UK and Ireland, to patients and innovators. Disrupting Healthcare Systems Healthcare is (positively) disrupted when innovation is
Researchers at the University of Kentucky (UK) are using telepractice to reach and remotely assess potential candidates for cochlear implants who live in the rural areas of Appalachia. Clients undertaking remote diagnostic assessments use a computer screen to interact with an audiologist in Lexinton, KY, through calibrated headphones or speakers attached to the screen. This
Ireland’s hospital waiting lists for routine procedures often feature in national news reports. Otolaryngology (ENT) wait-times were the third-longest of the publicly visible waiting lists at January 2016. Accordingly, Sound Advice was invited to present at an Open Health Data Night at the Science Gallery, Trinity College Dublin, on January 20th, 2016 in a panel
A certain irony existed in being asked by Dr Peter Sloane, to join a panel at the Vasco da Gama Movement Forum in Dublin – after doctors in the 1970s had said I would never talk. Before this call to speak on the science of cochlear implants, the VdGM (Vasco da Gama Movement), the WONCA Europe Working Group for New
Video-conferencing and telemedicine strategies are used in Tennessee (US) by Vanderbilt University’s Bill Wilkerson Center to reach families of newborn babies who need follow-up tests after failing an initial hearing test at birth. Initiative Allows Remote Hearing Tests For Newborns Vanderbilt’s Audiology, SLT and VTOD Training Cleverly, the same programme will teach Vanderbilt’s pediatric audiology and
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