With education systems in Scandinavia seen as models for good educational practices, the IDK team reviewed early intervention approaches for families with children who have hearing issues. This resource (2012) is worth a read: Read: Scandinavia: New Challenges For Auditory Services Slide 12 cites current approaches for families, based on early detection and intervention, with
Telepractice is used in North Carolina (US) to deliver top-quality audiological and speech (auditory-verbal) services to regional families whose children wear digital hearing-devices for severe to profound hearing issues. Read: CASTLE Centre works with children’s hearing issues In Australia, families access early intervention via telepractice (online service delivery) like CASTLE’s Reach system. An upside is
What is the “deaf debate” with cochlear implants? Why can they be seen as controversial? This is one of the best pieces we’ve read on the topic, to date. Read: The Deaf Culture versus Oral-Only Debate Many people are curious about this debate, as a result of the Happy New Ear campaign which is seeking
In the US, two to three children in every 1000 births is born profoundly deaf, 90% of these babies into hearing families. The average age for a baby to receive a cochlear implant is falling, with research showing babies of 6 to 9 months to benefit more from the technology, than even at 12 months,
Childcare facilities may overlook childrens’ cognitive spoken language and social-emotional skills development with the other early-skills children must learn, according to a recent piece in Canada’s ‘The Castlegar Source’ newspaper. When children learn and practice early social skills like turn-taking, sharing and interaction, with hand-eye coordination and early physical development, their exposure to rich, spoken
With bilateral cochlear implants (both ears) in Ireland’s news recently, here’s some information that may answer readers’ and families’ questions. Read: Who is a cochlear implant candidate? Some unilateral (single-ear) implant-wearers keep a hearing-aid in the other ear, and can recognise speech by listening through two ears. Others choose to ‘go bilateral’ with 2 cochlear
As Ireland’s newborn hearing tests roll out nationally, India has initiatives that show how low-cost services are viable, even if resources are limited. Newborn hearing testing is rolling out in India, where the initiative in the city of Kochi received national attention. Since 2003, over 62,000 babies have been tested in 34 hospitals, with 92
New Zealand’s newborn hearing test and early intervention programme has run since 2010, with about 170 babies born per year with hearing issues. Read more: Opening A Door To The World Of Sound Pathways lead from this national newborn hearing test service, to early intervention programs with the family’s chosen communication method. One service is
Teachers of the deaf are usually tasked with developing their pupils’ English. The deaf preschoolers in this story are bilingual both in spoken English, and in their spoken family language at home (not every household uses English). Read: Being a teacher of the deaf at Clarke Mainstream Services This teacher runs a preschool whose pupils
A new app enables children with hearing-aids and cochlear implants, to practice their listening and speaking with flash-cards and a range of speech sounds for each letter. Very cleverly, the app has parent tips for its use. Read: New HOPE Words App for iPhones and iPads Video: See the Hope Words App in action The
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