Links between music and speech rhythms have long been documented, with digital hearing-devices and imaging technologies bringing new insights to how we interpret these rhythms in everyday activities – including reading. Music “Is” Language This collection of links starts by explaining how music appreciation sessions for children that mix music with movement, can improve auditory-language skills,
The Audiology field is in line for major benefits from remote (tele) provision of health services (tele-health), a recent piece in Audiology Online notes. Free Software and Desktop-Sharing Apps Widely available, free software tools like Skype or ooVoo can be used for video-conferencing, with remote desktop sharing software applications connecting both parties in a telehealth
This post follows “Ireland’s Only Audiology Course Being Scrapped” (August 2, 2013). Today, the students don’t have the answers they need, and are losing time to transfer to new audiology courses in the UK. To start with, what is the impact of Ireland losing its only audiology course? Dropping this 4-year degree course at Athlone Institute
In 2011, Australia’s government approved funding to deliver classroom captions to all severely to profoundly deaf pupils who need facilitation. This move was significant as deaf pupils typically must give 100% of attention to an educator, which makes personal note-taking a challenge during class. Captions To Benefit The UK’s Educators, Too Ai-Media, the captions provider,
With education systems in Scandinavia seen as models for good educational practices, the IDK team reviewed early intervention approaches for families with children who have hearing issues. This resource (2012) is worth a read: Read: Scandinavia: New Challenges For Auditory Services Slide 12 cites current approaches for families, based on early detection and intervention, with
Finalist status in Ireland’s 2014 Social Media Awards – Online PR category, was gained by Sound Advice (as IDK) after these posts – compiled by Caroline Carswell. Students at Ireland’s only audiology undergraduate course at Athlone Institute of Technology are reviewing their options after learning the course is to be scrapped at the end of
Teens and young people who read books with characters who’re deaf or hard-of-hearing can affirm their own identity to themselves while learning new skills for everyday challenges and the value of digital technologies. Powell’s Bookstore in Portland, Oregon, has the biggest range of titles on deafness and hearing that we’ve ever seen in one extensive
Ninety-Five Decibels, a crowd-funded US-made film about the emotional choices parents face on learning their baby is deaf, will launch in September 2013 with Goran Visnjic from the TV series ER, in a lead role. This film makes some vital points: Digital hearing aids and cochlear implants give infants who are deaf or hard of
Early-years technology “awakens the imagination and fosters the cognitive development of young children”, while developing early literacy skills in children who may not have a language-rich home environment, according to Remake Learning, the blog of the Pittsburgh Kids+Creativity Network. Read: How Early Years Innovators Are Changing The Tech Game Best of all, parents and caregivers
Deafness is called the ‘invisible disability’, and teens can be very reluctant to disclose what they see as a social vulnerability. A librarian who has hearing issues herself, shares some communication tips – which can be used almost anywhere a pen, paper, the internet or a mobile phone is available. Read: Serving teens with hearing
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