There’s a new generation of born-deaf people growing up as a technically hard-of-hearing subgroup (with their hearing-devices) – who identify with hearing culture and must educate on daily assumptions made by others. Mainstreamed with hearing-devices Jillian Ash, writer of this piece, wore hearing-aids since infancy, and moved to a cochlear implant at age 9. She
Teamwork by families with schools to optimise listening environments, pays off for students like these two siblings (video). Having said that, a recent national survey by support entity AG Bell shows schools to be unaware of simple process changes and accommodations that really make a difference. VIDEO: Students strive to overcome challenges in school Additional
Several times recently, Sound Advice was asked what future hearing systems for today’s children and young adults, might look like. Remember, before 2007 iPhones and mobile, touchscreen devices were unknown – while developers are now addressing wireless, inter-device connectivity and miniaturisation. Connected Hearing There’s good news for child and adult wearers of future hearing-devices, who will
With Derrick Coleman, the Seattle Seahawks fullback who’s legally deaf, recently storming onto our screens in a Duracell advert, the social impact of the advertising campaign is already being witnessed at a high-tech level. After having SSD (single-sided) deafness since early childhood, film director Rik Cordero was inspired by the advert, to evaluate modern technologies
Sound Advice (as IDK) hosted the first overseas screening of the 95 Decibels film (2013) on January 18, 2014 at the Irish Film Institute in Dublin, to explore the emotional obstacles parents face when they get a diagnosis of deafness for their child. I also met Susan and Film maker Liza Reznik along with her daughter Miranda.
New smartphone-based hearing solutions are marketed to ‘boomers’ or seniors, but the reality is that a tech-savvy youth population with partial hearing similarly wants discreet hearing-solutions for their daily lives. Bluetooth Links Wireless connectivity between hearing-devices and smartphones is a trend, as digital protocols open up and active people seek miniature hearing-solutions to access their
Parents working with babies and children whose cochlear implants are newly activated, need to label particular noises with the children and emphasise listening skills to start recognising everyday sounds. One Arizona-based audiologist has devised a game for this listening-and-talking process: Read: Audiologist game to boost kids’ listening skills Talk To Newborns With Hearing-Aids Jacque Scholl
Advice to “work with what you know”, is routinely given to people starting a new career path, or changing tack. Both these students are doing just that – while entering careers not previously open to students with hearing issues. Read: Saratoga Student Takes Speech Pathology At UW Until very recently, the notion of a deaf student taking
Children who receive cochlear implants can progress for several years afterward, a longitudinal research project by Penn State University shows. In a milestone multi-year study, the researchers found students’ peer relationships were impacted by teacher and peer acceptance within a school. Positive Long-Term Outcomes of Cochlear Implantation “We didn’t actually know how implanted children would do
Three educators are optimising a software product for students with hearing issues to access audio-visual content, to achieve a universal design for a concurrent, mainstream student pool that was not envisaged at the outset. Educators Build Web-Based Literacy Assessment Software AvenueDHH Platform The product, AvenueDHH, gives educators a standardised way to measure student literacy while allowing
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