On July 20th 2013, The Economist published a very damaging article about cochlear implants, which give families with born-deaf children valuable opportunities, such as using two spoken languages in the family home. Read: Listen Up: Technology That Lets Deaf People Hear Team Sound Advice recommends reading the below response from the founder of the Cochlear
Several parents recently asked about behaviour guidance for children who’re deaf or hard-of-hearing, so these insights and resources may help. On the behaviour front, young children who’re deaf or hard-of-hearing can be harder to guide as they don’t always hear a particular tone of voice or verbal warning that another child might detect and respond
New research from the US has uncovered parallels in language-processing by two groups of children with hearing issues, and children with dyslexia. The study at Ohio State University looks at the links between hearing and language skills (children with cochlear implants, and children with dyslexia). Read: Studies On Deaf Children May Decode Dyslexia Importantly, this study
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