Back in 2014, we highlighted a childrens’ graphic novel, ” El Deafo”, created by Cece Bell, to highlight her own superpowers (strengths) when navigating the world as a child with hearing aids. We love El Deafo as a rare depiction of our childhood selves, navigating the hearing world as speaking deaf children while addressing the
Certain parts of Ireland’s paediatric audiology service work superbly, with a world-class cochlear implant centre in Dublin, yet at end-September 2020, 17,000 children and adults awaited initial audiology services nationwide. Of this total, over 7000 were children, with almost 8000 being adults over the age of 65. One-third of these children had waited over a
In a recent online lecture, “A Deaf Surgeon Comes Into His Own: Insights for Improving Outcomes with Hearing Loss,” Seattle-based ENT consultant Chad Ruffin, who wears bilateral cochlear implants, shared the challenges that surfaced in his time in the medical field – compounded by the internalized ableism mentioned by many deaf entrants to competitive workplaces.
Mask wearing, during covid 19 times. A hot topic, with science showing the way for most. But how do professionals who’re deaf, navigate a true challenge to their professional competence? The Paediatric (Pediatric) Doctor Hundreds of HCPs in the UK NHS happen to be deaf, @DocFizzabella among them. Since March 2020, shortage of accessible PPE
Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) – hosting the National Technical Institute for Deaf students (NTID) – is optimising its realtime lecture captions with help from Microsoft. With deaf student demographics shifting to realtime captioning, by 2016 the number of lecture-captioning hours at RIT grew by 58% to 24,335 – up from just 15,440 hours in
Deafness is different in the twenty-first century. With today’s digital hearing technology, why consign potentially talented students, teammates and/or work colleagues to lesser life-roles as people? Changing What ‘Deaf’ Means I never learned sign language in a family or institutional setting, so don’t act so surprised when I tell you I don’t sign. Many hearing
Young deaf children with bilateral cochlear implants can learn words faster than hearing peers at 12, 18 and 24 months after implantation, electroencephalography studies show. We observed that when deaf children get their implants, they learn words faster than those with normal hearing. Consequently, they build up certain word pools faster. ~ Niki Vavatzanidis, scientist at
Hearing-device wearers report that assistive technology to contain background noise is still a holy grail and needs industry co-operation, according to an Action on Hearing Loss survey: Ninety-six per cent of respondents said hearing in noisy settings is a major challenge. Just 12% of hearing aid users and 27% of cochlear implant wearers are satisfied now. Help From The Hearing-Device Industry
Ruben Ramanathan will soon graduate from Purdue University in Indiana and is eyeing a career in the automotive industry. Since he was little, he has had a real passion for automobiles, and aspires to work for Honda or Mazda as a purchasing agent or buyer. 1) The biggest struggle being the only deaf person in my family is that I
Sound Advice, with WorkJuggle, Find A Venue, Fetch, Grand Designs and Guardian Safety, was invited by Startup Ballymun to speak at a mentoring evening during November 2017. Hearing From Entrepreneurs At Varying Stages It takes a team! – the @StartUpBallymun entrepreneurs panel with co-organisers @BillyLinehan and @liamcbarry1978 with @Marggranddesign @WorkJuggle @soundadvice_pro @gogetfetch @findavenue @GuardianSafety2 – thanx to
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