Update: Owing to the volume of seasonal festivities on Saturday, December 5th, IDK and Helium are postponing the sessions until late January. We apologise for any inconvenience. On December 5 2009, IDK and Helium will host another Learning Language is Fun! creative play session at the RuaRed arts centre in Tallaght, Dublin. Helium artist, Margot
Sound Advice and Irish publishing house Special Stories, produced an exciting children’s book, “A Birthday for Ben”, which is about young children who are deaf or hard of hearing. Get The “Ben” Book As An App (iOS) ITV Launches A Story-Book App (2012) News: ITV Animates “A Birthday For Ben” Sound Advice and Special Stories on TV3 “Birthday
A recent conference hosted by AHEAD got me thinking about my education, and learning situations where tuition support might have helped. By far the most challenging of my three third-level courses was the IT conversion course. These courses are known for their accelerated pace. That wasn’t the problem, however. Computer-based classroom practicals were the glaring
Almost exactly a year ago, IDK posted a piece about explaining deafness in concept books for children – which also educate teachers and other adults! One of these books, My Brother John (published May 2008), introduces deafness, hearing aids, cochlear implants & sign language in a single story. The story, told from the perspective of
Interactive whiteboards altered teaching practices at St Columba’s Girls National School in Co Cork, after its deaf pupils benefited from the tools. St Columba’s GNS, which has a facility for deaf students and teaches all its 600 students sign language, quickly realised the value of the whiteboards. When teaching new concepts in class, visual images and
Many school teachers would like how to teach their hearing pupils about deafness but are unsure how to proceed. Children with a classmate who’s deaf can be equally curious about what exactly is involved. Depending on the age of the children in a school class, the concept of deafness can be taught in a few ways.
Software and e-learning tools have massive potential in teaching deaf or hard-of-hearing children if they are adapted for full accessibility. With software tools, deaf children can hear to learn new vocabulary, numeracy and literacy skills, phonics and social skills in a structured way. Strategic video games can be used by deaf teens to learn to
No two deaf children are the same: their educational experience reflects their deafness, hearing devices worn, family background, infant language intervention and their personality. Over 3,370 deaf children in Ireland (90%) are mainstream-educated, with under 4% using sign language (NCSE, 2011). Spoken language for deaf children is chosen by 89% to 95% of hearing families in the US (Teresa
Explaining hearing-devices to children (a deaf child, siblings, family, friends or peers) can be a challenge in making sure everyone understands the facts. Concept books are great for explaining to all children the specific frustrations and issues deaf children can experience. Understanding is increased, with the deaf child realising others are in their position, and hearing children
Deafness isn’t the tragedy that it was, at one time. With sustained early intervention and hearing-devices from birth to age three, a baby or child who is deaf achieves a good quality of life with their own personal milestones. However, if deafness is diagnosed at a late stage (after the child is 2.5 years of
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