Universities in Ireland have used the Moodle interactive teaching system for years, while schools are just “getting it”. In this piece, we show how the universal design of the Moodle-based Connect School system gives seamless inclusion in class for all pupils. Connect School is a joint initiative of South Dublin County Council and St. Aidan’s
The first-ever iPhone subtitle application promises to give movie buffs the chance to receive subtitles directly to their phone for the movie/DVD of their choice. It’s a great solution until more cinemas provide subtitled movies and as the app develops, cinemas may use it as a low-budget captioning option. This application is currently available for
This piece follows on from IDK’s earlier post, Infant Literacy Skills: Newborn To Three Years, and complements other IDK posts on early-years literacy. The bottom line is that children learn about literacy from birth, regardless of their hearing ability. While early introduction to literacy is essential in babies and toddlers, the process needs to be
State exams are stressful enough for any family, but especially when the exam candidate is deaf. Parents worry that their teen will not understand an exam question due to underdeveloped language comprehension, or simply be unable to complete an exam in time. IDK recently learned of a student who is taking the Junior Certificate exams
IDK recently heard a very sad story about a newcomer child with deafness and autism, so we are sharing it here, to show how vulnerable children can ‘fall through’ the Irish education system. The iPhone GraceApp for people with autism, could be his lifeline in teaching sign with PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System). B, the
Australia has introduced its first mainstream “Model Classroom” for deaf students at LaSalle Catholic College in Bankstown. Classrooms are planned to maximise learning in mainstream schools with interactive whiteboards, captioned resources, visual computer content and sound-field systems. The pilot project was designed by Media Access Australia in collaboration with the Catholic Education Office and LaSalle
This post continues the piece, Including Deaf Children At Preschool (Part One). A key question was put to the mum & creche manager: How did you identify the potential challenges you (mum & creche) might meet during Charlie’s early days? NOTE: Charlie was late detected at around age two, unlike today’s infants who benefit from
Ireland’s government offers a free preschool year to all infants aged over three, regardless of additional needs they have. The Early Child Care & Education (ECCE) initiative, which is open to all preschools in Ireland, is profiled on Sound Advice. For children with deafness, creche and preschool is a pivotal stage in their spoken language development, with the foundations
Irish company, Off We Go! Publishing, has released a set of books for children to learn about different first-time experiences in early life. These books benefit those with special needs and any young child experiencing these outings for the first time. Twelve different titles are in the series, including “Going on a Plane’, “Going to
The Lamh sign language is used in creches, preschools & schools around the country. However, a significant number of parents, carers and teachers expressed concerns to IDK (now Sound Advice) about being unable to give children full access to the Lamh language due to its current training structure. To promote discussion, we are sharing a
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