IDK recently heard a very sad story about a newcomer child with deafness and autism, so we are sharing it here, to show how vulnerable children can ‘fall through’ the Irish education system. The iPhone GraceApp for people with autism, could be his lifeline in teaching sign with PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System). B, the
Australia has introduced its first mainstream “Model Classroom” for deaf students at LaSalle Catholic College in Bankstown. Classrooms are planned to maximise learning in mainstream schools with interactive whiteboards, captioned resources, visual computer content and sound-field systems. The pilot project was designed by Media Access Australia in collaboration with the Catholic Education Office and LaSalle
Young deaf students attending Lawrence Elementary School in the US have seen the literacy and numeracy benefits of a new software initiative. FM Systems Remove Ambient Noise In the classroom, audio output from the computer is sent via radio waves, directly to receivers the students wear on their hearing aids and/or cochlear implants. Ambient noise
IDK was invited by the Arts Council to attend its Future Arts: FYI 2010 event for youngsters aged 15 to 23, in Dublin (March 27 – 29, 2010). Our role was to give a ‘hearing’ angle to the young delegates at the weekend’s discussions and workshops. This included basic hearing-awareness, explaining how Speedtext & ISL
This post continues the piece, Including Deaf Children At Preschool (Part One). A key question was put to the mum & creche manager: How did you identify the potential challenges you (mum & creche) might meet during Charlie’s early days? NOTE: Charlie was late detected at around age two, unlike today’s infants who benefit from
At Griffith College, Cork, SMS texts are used to advise students of cancelled classes. Texting is a simple and often free method of communication that is available to anyone with a mobile phone. And these users range from young kids given phones by parents just in case of an emergency, to the elderly who may
Ireland’s government offers a free preschool year to all infants aged over three, regardless of additional needs they have. The Early Child Care & Education (ECCE) initiative, which is open to all preschools in Ireland, is profiled on Sound Advice. For children with deafness, creche and preschool is a pivotal stage in their spoken language development, with the foundations
A teacher recently asked IDK how to source a soundfield system for a child at their school. The system needed to be movable between classrooms. Our first response was to ask if the school has any contact with the Visiting Teacher service for deaf students at the Department of Education (DES). If yes, the visiting
A conference on The Future of Deaf Education in Ireland took place at The Croke Park Conference Centre in Dublin, on March 4th, 2010. The conference saw the launch of a new policy document compiled by, The Catholic Institute of Deaf People and the IDS that aimed to set out a new future for
A pilot scheme in the UK which aims to improve service co-ordination for children with deafness, is expected to be underway by early 2010. The Local Record of Deaf Children in the UK seeks to improve services and raise awareness of the numbers of young people living with hearing loss. Information will be shared by
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