What is a Visiting Teacher? Many parents of newly-confirmed deaf children ask this, on learning of the VT service from the Department of Education. Over 3,300 deaf and hard-of-hearing children at mainstream schools in Ireland, are supported by 32 visiting teachers working in 29 full-time posts. (PDF) Visiting Teachers for Children who are Deaf/Hard-of-Hearing Parents can
A total of 1,786 children in Ireland’s Health Service Executive (HSE) South region have waited two to three years for a first hearing-assessment, with five children waiting two months for the first fitting of a hearing-aid. Sixteen minors in the region, aged from two to sixteen years old, also were not detected as having mild
On April 26th, phase one of a national newborn hearing testing programme in Ireland will begin in Cork, with national roll-out expected by end-2012. The HSE assigned just under EUR2 million for the programme in its 2011 plan, with a view to expansion across the HSE South region at end-2011. Ireland has about 74,000 births
Different options for deaf education in Ireland mean childrens’ needs are better understood with today’s new hearing technologies, plus new educational resources and models. Over 3,300 deaf children are at mainstream schools in Ireland (DES, 2011) being taught in English with support from the Visiting Teacher Service. Each parent of a deaf child worries about giving
IDK’s “Meet and Greet” workshop for teenagers on April 2nd in Portlaoise, welcomed attendees from counties Donegal, Waterford, Dublin and Carlow. After introductions, the morning session was opened by Mike Rossney, the first presenter, who mentioned his own securities when moving to secondary school. He then coached the teens in their technique when meeting new
In November 2010, Dr. Monika Lehnhardt, who established Cochlear Europe in Basel in 1987, published a new study about the importance of UNHS. Her research showed around 5,000 babies are born deaf in the EU per year, with another 5,000-10,000 having hearing issues that need intervention. Apart from these statistics, deafness is not visible, and can affect a child’s
Many parents who consider cochlear implants for their children, sometimes wonder what all the fuss is about. Mainly, why some members of the deaf community can oppose implants, and the impact of an implant on a child’s identity. But what happens when children ask for implants – as they can do? Two Brothers Request Cochlear
Gallaudet University in Washington DC is the world’s only campus where all programs and services are designed for deaf and hard of hearing students. This is no easy feat, as the university offers over 40 major degree courses toward Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science awards. Undergraduate students can self-direct their majors and choose
IDK held an information session on mainstream education on March 4th, in Dublin. The event, for parents and educators seeking insights to educational options for deaf and hard of hearing children, was both informative and reassuring. In particular, no attempt was made to enforce a specific opinion and opportunities existed for different opinions to be heard.
To learn Irish, or not? This issue was debated at the IDK seminar last Friday. Some deaf students learn Irish, others don’t. It depends on several factors like subject choice and not least, the oral & aural element of exams. Students in Ireland typically learn Irish to qualify for university. This is why deaf students
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