In a recent online lecture, “A Deaf Surgeon Comes Into His Own: Insights for Improving Outcomes with Hearing Loss,” Seattle-based ENT consultant Chad Ruffin, who wears bilateral cochlear implants, shared the challenges that surfaced in his time in the medical field – compounded by the internalized ableism mentioned by many deaf entrants to competitive workplaces.
Psychology student Rachel Wayne shares her insights as a young person with hearing issues in three posts for the Sci-Ed blog. Rachel wears hearing-aids, speaks, lip-reads and accesses digital content via captioned media and transcripts (using text to read). Read Rachel’s guest posts: Pardon Me? How To Talk With A Hearing-Aid Wearer Hearing Issues In Post-Secondary
In 2011, IDK noted how a speech and language telepractice solution in rural Minnesota, could benefit Irish children in resource teaching allocation. Telepractice is “the application of telecommunications technology to deliver professional services at a distance by linking clinician to client, or clinician to clinician for assessment, intervention, and/or consultation” (ASHA, 2004). Here are three ways in
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