Fresh concerns over cuts to education supports for deaf/hoh pupils in the UK have emerged, after one-third of councils cut supports in 2011. NDCS is also reporting that almost one-half of London’s local councils did not respond to a Freedom of Information request to disclose spending plans by April 2, 2013. Read: Charity’s fears over
The increasing cohort of 21st century parents and deaf children who choose technology like cochlear implants in place of learning sign-language, is documented in a front-page article in The New York Times (July 27, 2011). Less than 20 percent of all families [with deaf children] choose American Sign Language, with 80 percent wanting their children to
On July 13th 2011, a public protest took place outside Leinster House, on Kildare Street in Dublin. Public opposition was shown to government proposals to cap the number of special-needs assistants (SNAs) in the education system for the 2011-12 school year, amid moves to reduce the number of SNAs in the education system by 200
Schools in Ireland received a €43 million investment for IT systems in November 2010 from the Department of Education, but this total is insufficient, according to the National Centre for Technology in Education (NCTE). Here’s why all schools need IT investments. This €43 million allocation was good news for schools, but the budget fails to
For deaf students, employees and innovators in large gatherings or training environments, captioning is a lifeline. That’s the only way to put it. This point was clear to me after a recent conference at which eight hours of lipreading was required, because the organisers did not have a budget for captioning. On the bus home,
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