Software and e-learning tools have massive potential in teaching deaf or hard-of-hearing children if they are adapted for full accessibility. With software tools, deaf children can hear to learn new vocabulary, numeracy and literacy skills, phonics and social skills in a structured way. Strategic video games can be used by deaf teens to learn to
Deaf children don’t absorb spoken vocabulary or language as their hearing peers do. Instead, their parents, guardians and/or carers are responsible for this early learning. Spoken language acquisition at an early age is crucial for deaf infants with digital hearing-devices, especially in Irish households where both parents can work outside the home. Talk During Your Daily
A French film, The Diving Bell and The Butterfly (2007), captivated recent audiences at the Irish Film Institute and was retained for a second run. It’s a biopic about 43-year-old Jean-Dominique Baudy, one-time editor of French Elle, who suffers a massive stroke in his sports car on a country road. He’s left with what’s called
Explaining hearing-devices to children (a deaf child, siblings, family, friends or peers) can be a challenge in making sure everyone understands the facts. Concept books are great for explaining to all children the specific frustrations and issues deaf children can experience. Understanding is increased, with the deaf child realising others are in their position, and hearing children
Deafness isn’t the tragedy that it was, at one time. With sustained early intervention and hearing-devices from birth to age three, a baby or child who is deaf achieves a good quality of life with their own personal milestones. However, if deafness is diagnosed at a late stage (after the child is 2.5 years of
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