As Ireland’s Health Minister, Dr James Reilly, prepares to finalise his health budget for 2014, he is under huge social, economic and political pressure to include bilateral cochlear implants for children in his financial calculations. Sound Advice’s message to Minister Reilly These three points are critical. Particularly number one. Infants need to hear, to learn
Teens and young people who read books with characters who’re deaf or hard-of-hearing can affirm their own identity to themselves while learning new skills for everyday challenges and the value of digital technologies. Powell’s Bookstore in Portland, Oregon, has the biggest range of titles on deafness and hearing that we’ve ever seen in one extensive
Ninety-Five Decibels, a crowd-funded US-made film about the emotional choices parents face on learning their baby is deaf, will launch in September 2013 with Goran Visnjic from the TV series ER, in a lead role. This film makes some vital points: Digital hearing aids and cochlear implants give infants who are deaf or hard of
What is the “deaf debate” with cochlear implants? Why can they be seen as controversial? This is one of the best pieces we’ve read on the topic, to date. Read: The Deaf Culture versus Oral-Only Debate Many people are curious about this debate, as a result of the Happy New Ear campaign which is seeking
With bilateral cochlear implants (both ears) in Ireland’s news recently, here’s some information that may answer readers’ and families’ questions. Read: Who is a cochlear implant candidate? Some unilateral (single-ear) implant-wearers keep a hearing-aid in the other ear, and can recognise speech by listening through two ears. Others choose to ‘go bilateral’ with 2 cochlear
NOTE: Since this post at end-2012, HSE access to bilateral pediatric cochlear implants is available to eligible children aged under 18 in Ireland, as a result of this campaign. Last month, the Irish Examiner revealed that over 350 children are awaiting second cochlear implants from Beaumont Hospital’s pediatric service, due to HSE caps on budgets for public
Families of children with cochlear implants in Ireland are to write to the Minister for Health, Dr James Reilly, after broadsheet paper The Examiner revealed over 350 children must wait up to six years for second implants. Read: Reilly urged to fund ear implants programme A parent posted information to Sound Advice’s Facebook page after asking Beaumont
From France – how the mother of a boy who’s deaf, travels abroad to have his bilateral cochlear implants mapped, and to progress his speech teaching. What’s most disturbing is that the spoken-language approach did not seem to be mentioned on the French websites for cochlear hearing devices. Read more: The Sky Is The Limit
If you’re a parent or teacher with a deaf child starting a new school year, here’s a quick reference list that might answer some of your questions. Hearing Assistance Entitlements Educational Supports in Ireland Advocating For Your Child’s Service Provision The Visiting Teacher Service: Background Details The Effective Use of IEPs in Irish Classrooms What
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