A young dancer who’s deaf, wrote a review of the game, “Dance Central Spotlight” with Kinect, with several accessibility tips for developers of gaming interfaces. Specifically, Video games are not excluding [people who have hearing issues] with music-based games, but are… providing a visualization of music that can bring music to deaf and hard of hearing gamers in
People with hearing issues synergise their sight and hearing senses to detect and assimilate environmental information, according to research by Centre de Recherche Cerveau et Cognition (CERCO, CNRS/Université Toulouse III – Paul Sabatier), with the ENT department at Toulouse’s Hôpital Purpan. Read >> Hearing With Sight: Why Implants Have Variable Results Lip-Readers See And Hear Sound
Over-parenting, or the “misguided attempt to improve [a] child’s current and future personal and academic success”, is a risk for all parents, and not just parents of children with extra needs. Here’s a teacher’s view on the issue: Read: Why Parents Need To Let Their Children Fail We all know parents who won’t let go
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