Disruptive principles in business leadership were recently presented by Dr Trish Gorman (US) in Dublin, at a masterclass with the IntertradeIreland All-Island Innovation Programme. For Sound Advice, this masterclass confirmed: Sound Advice is a disruptive entity (modernising Ireland’s deaf sector and education) The disruptive effect of bilateral cochlear implants (children hear speech in both ears) Visible role models transmit core values, coach
Links between music and speech rhythms have long been documented, with digital hearing-devices and imaging technologies bringing new insights to how we interpret these rhythms in everyday activities – including reading. Music “Is” Language This collection of links starts by explaining how music appreciation sessions for children that mix music with movement, can improve auditory-language skills,
Early-years technology “awakens the imagination and fosters the cognitive development of young children”, while developing early literacy skills in children who may not have a language-rich home environment, according to Remake Learning, the blog of the Pittsburgh Kids+Creativity Network. Read: How Early Years Innovators Are Changing The Tech Game Best of all, parents and caregivers
In late 2010, a Young Social Innovators group in Drogheda, Co Louth, asked IDK to advise on their project. These students are now short-listed for the 10th Young Social Innovators annual showcase in Dublin on May 11, 2011. Read about the Louth students’ project >> Sixty projects were short-listed from over 350 social-action projects pitched
In May 2010, IDK applied to attend the five-day Creativity: Unlocked international training course, in Salzburg, Austria, from July 12 to 18, 2010. This certified training, funded by the EU’s Youth in Action Programme, brings together individuals from European countries and backgrounds for several days, to develop personal, professional and intercultural competencies. Twenty-two participants from
A Plenary Session on Child Literacy and Social Inclusion was organised on June 16 by the National Economic and Social Forum (NESF), at the Royal Hospital in Kilmainham, Dublin. By 2016, the National Action Plan for Social Inclusion 2007-2016 has the goal of reducing the proportion of pupils with serious literacy difficulties in primary schools serving
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