A book, “Music Is The Key To Unlocking Your Child’s Potential” by language therapist Karen O’Connor, has launched in Ireland (€12.99, Londubh Books). The book tells how music-based sound therapy engaged specific children at Karen’s practice, with their learning and language subsequently developing. In 2011, the Sound Advice piece, “Music Has Educational Benefits For Deaf
The Disability Service at Trinity College, Dublin is hosting an information evening this month for potential students with physical/sensory disabilities. Date: Friday January 27th 2012 Time: 6.30pm Venue: Room 3074, 3rd Floor, Arts Building, TCD The evening will begin with an overview of the Disability Access Route to Education (DARE), and will outline the range
On November 2nd, 2011, Conor Byrne at Dublin South FM interviewed Caroline Carswell from Irish Deaf Kids, on IDK and its activities. This transcript has been generated by Miriam Walsh, a former IDK intern who still contributes time to IDK’s operations, as needed. Read the radio transcript (pdf format) Listen to the podcast interview (25.2
Irish Deaf Kids held a technology and education event in Dublin on October 10th, 2011. The event proved to be invaluable for all attendees, and was put together to give parents, educators and other stakeholders in-depth insights to how deaf and hard-of-hearing (hoh) children can use digital tools to better communicate and learn in a
“Video-games, and the type of learning and thinking they generate, may serve as a cornerstone for education and economies of the future”. For children who are deaf or hard-of-hearing, video-games offer great learning potential. Social and interpersonal skills can be taught, as can problem-solving abilities (which the children in question may have already). Read: Is Gaming
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