My name is Ide Roche and I’m the mother of a deaf 5 year old boy. Last week I heard Derek Mooney interview a lady about her son being deaf. Please share this email that I wrote to Derek. Thanks. (A transcript of the Derek Mooney show cited, is available) Hello Derek, My name is Ide
On February 8th, 2011, IDK featured in the health supplement of the Irish Times newspaper. The feedback was extremely positive: here is an extract from one email received last week. Dear Caroline, Sound Advice [IDK] is a wonderful site, very cheerful and informative. I noticed in your bio, you studied history at Trinity [College Dublin]. So
Ladybird Publishing, a subsidiary of Penguin, recently launched an e-book application (app) for babies. While other major children’s publishers had previously launched apps for children, few were both suitable for babies, and available on all Apple devices, namely the iPad, iPhone and iPod. Teachers of deaf and hard of hearing preschoolers at Clayton Elementary School,
Initially the Apple iPhone, a relative newcomer to the Irish telecoms market, may seem to be just another gadget, but there’s a lot more to it. The iPhone 4 differs from its predecessors in being marketed for video calls, media consumption, web and e-mail access. Most relevantly, it supports the FaceTime application which none of
Analogue television is being switched off in the EU in 2012. This will have mixed effects on access for deaf and hard-of-hearing viewers and educators using TV in their teaching. Here’s what to expect. Digital Television for All (DTV4All) is a European Commission (EC) funded project. Access services here, are subtitles and sign-language interpreting, for
One of Sound Advice’s most-received questions is, “Which system is better for a deaf child to use at creche/school, a (personal) FM system, or a soundfield?” This article, “FM Systems ‘versus’ Soundfields“, from the American Speech-Hearing Association (ASHA), gives great insights into the pros/cons of each. Follow the links below to establish how your child
With today’s teens doing Transition Year work experience and internships to gain workplace skills, businesses need specific advice on hearing awareness. Multinationals, small businesses, retailers and corner shops can all make their service hearing-friendly to broaden their current customer bases and reduce unintentional discrimination during their daily operations. Some everyday tips from deaf people: For
For deaf students, employees and innovators in large gatherings or training environments, captioning is a lifeline. That’s the only way to put it. This point was clear to me after a recent conference at which eight hours of lipreading was required, because the organisers did not have a budget for captioning. On the bus home,
For the parents of deaf children campaigning for teaching supports at mainstream schools of their choice, here is an outline of two key education acts as a reference. Ten Pieces Of Legislation (Ireland) Ten pieces of legislation cover education supports and hearing services in Ireland. The two acts outlined below are completely separate from each
Ninety per cent of deaf children (over 3,300 in total) attend mainstream schools in Ireland. This statistic relating to inclusive education, shows general teaching approaches must change to support altering needs with digital hearing technologies and teaching techniques. Facilitating Inclusive Education in Ireland Inclusive education should be an option for parents in Ireland who want
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