RTE, Ireland’s national TV broadcaster, aims to subtitle all its shows by 2014, with the help of digital tools. For now, here’s an outline of the work involved, as discovered by Miriam Walsh, IDK’s journalist intern. It may be hard to believe – but subtitles don’t just magically pop up on TV screens as soon
On December 5 2009, IDK and Helium will host another Learning Language is Fun! creative play session at the RuaRed arts centre in Tallaght, Dublin. In Sligo, a second, concurrent session will be held upstairs at The Factory Performing Space, Quay Street, with artist Helene Hugel. Both sessions will run from 10:30am to 12pm on
Accessibility is a primary focus in modern education. Recent years have brought the introduction of new tools like CaptionTube (a captioning tool for YouTube videos), interactive whiteboards and now podcast transcripts. Teachers and lecturers can face challenges in preparing for a class where a student has hearing issues. If a teacher is showing a video
Two members of South-eastern Louisiana University’s education faculty are the first to explore a new system, which integrates RFID (radio-frequency identification) technology into classroom learning. Assistant professors Becky Sue Parton and Robert Hancock received a USD 360,000 grant from the US Department of Education to develop their ”physical world hyper-linking” teaching system. The process, known
If you’re a parent or teacher with a child starting a new school year, here’s a quick reference list that might answer some of your questions. Hearing Assistance Entitlements Educational Supports in Ireland The Visiting Teacher Service Finding Supports For Deaf Pupils Sourcing A Soundfield System Tips For New Teachers of Deaf Children TIps For
In Japan, real-time captioning for deaf students at mainstream schools is being piloted on iPhones as a substitute for note-takers sitting with students. Primary schools in the Nagano region near Tokyo are to be the testbeds. The system will be tested through March 2010 by a consortium made up of Tsukuba Institute of Technology, Mobile
Twelve UK publishers are using web technologies to present contemporary childrens’ books in sign language with audio, animation and text in a GBP1.5 million project to improve literacy levels among deaf children. The project, www.signedstories.com, offers a free online library of signed books for deaf children to develop their literacy & language skills, whether signed
Sound Advice and Irish publishing house Special Stories, produced an exciting children’s book, “A Birthday for Ben”, which is about young children who are deaf or hard of hearing. Get The “Ben” Book As An App (iOS) ITV Launches A Story-Book App (2012) News: ITV Animates “A Birthday For Ben” Sound Advice and Special Stories on TV3 “Birthday
Last April (2009), Irish Deaf Kids (now Sound Advice) received an Innovation Voucher worth €5,000 from Enterprise Ireland, to be used to solve a business issue. The Innovation Voucher initiative, introduced in 2007 by Enterprise Ireland, aims to create links between Irish knowledge providers and small businesses. To qualify for an Innovation Voucher, a company
Today’s digital media world can represent a double-edged sword for people with hearing issues. On one hand, digital media tools can benefit inclusive teaching by improving students’ accessibility to content in learning and training environments. Two examples would be captioning for online videos, and transcripts for podcasts with course content. However, using digital content in