A book, “Music Is The Key To Unlocking Your Child’s Potential” by language therapist Karen O’Connor, has launched in Ireland (€12.99, Londubh Books). The book tells how music-based sound therapy engaged specific children at Karen’s practice, with their learning and language subsequently developing. In 2011, the Sound Advice piece, “Music Has Educational Benefits For Deaf
BBC3’s recent ‘Deaf Teens, Hearing World‘ documentary, which profiled different ways to be deaf, has sparked debate about identity in deaf people. Five teens in the UK were followed, all with very different attitudes to, and experiences of being deaf. Fair play to the BBC, for this balanced reporting. A crucial line, “Each individual has
A creative teacher in the US, is animating video-screen avatars to link with children with SEN such as deafness, DS and autism, in her teaching-group. Read: Video-website engages hard-to-reach students The software for this interactive learning offers varied animals, robots and stick people as characters. A teacher and/or student chooses a ‘persona’ and inputs text,
Educational outcomes for children who are deaf and hard-of-hearing, is the focus of a new policy advice paper from the National Council for Special Education. Read the paper: The Education of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children in Ireland Download the presentation in PDF format. The goal of the paper is that children who are “deaf
All babies lip-read from about 6 months of age, to learn mouth-shapes for the sounds they hear, according to researchers at Florida Atlantic University. When a baby gazes intently at a speaker’s mouth, this indicates they are working to learn to form syllables for themselves, instead of just babbling. Read: Babies Learn Language By Reading
In January 2012, IDK was interviewed by AllAboutBusiness.ie, the Bank of Ireland-sponsored website for start-ups and small businesses in Ireland. Read: Irish Deaf Kids (Education + Technology) IDK was established in 2007 and in September 2008, became a company limited by guarantee (CRO 462323) with later charitable status (CHY 18589).
A new app enables children with hearing-aids and cochlear implants, to practice their listening and speaking with flash-cards and a range of speech sounds for each letter. Very cleverly, the app has parent tips for its use. Read: New HOPE Words App for iPhones and iPads Video: See the Hope Words App in action The
Having live classroom-captions in school has led a deaf teen in Australia, to consider a career in computer programming or in the general IT field. Read: Real-time captions for deaf HSC student Interestingly, the student emphasises how classroom-captions have boosted his literacy skills, while providing a detailed set of notes from each class. Further Reading
If you received a dubious-looking file earlier today, in an email from the IDK address, there’s no need to worry – and you don’t have to do anything! The file is our January e-zine, which worked in its pre-send tests. However, the file got scrambled after we hit ‘send’, and that’s the result you all got.
Diversity among deaf students at third-level colleges in English-speaking countries means they speak and/or sign, read lips and/or use hearing-aids and/or cochlear implants. Equally diverse teaching-supports are needed. The National Technical Institute for the Deaf (NTID), in Rochester, New York is expecting verbal deaf student numbers to grow as more receive cochlear implants at about