Any deaf person will tell you they’re routinely ‘pigeon-holed’ by others who don’t understand deafness, or can’t see the abilities of the person they meet.
Don’t Visualize Signing Stereotypes
Deaf people can do most things – even if they don’t hear. Some might communicate in different ways and encounter issues other people don’t.
Kellie Moody, a deaf competitor in the UK reality TV show, “Britain’s Missing Top Model“, on BBC3, has spoken about some of these issues.
Because she doesn’t “fit the box” (in other peoples’ minds) of what a deaf person is like, she has met people who initially don’t believe she’s deaf.
This is ironic, but it happens. It’s due to a lack of awareness of what deaf people can do, and how they live their daily lives. Clubbing, if they want!
Overcoming Perceived Limitations
On the world stage, Brazilian supermodel, Brenda Costa, who’s deaf, cites the hurdles she met on the way to the top, in her book, “Belle Du Silence“.
Like many deaf people, Brenda had to prove herself in her early career, but perseverance paid off and she’s been at the top of her game for years.
These are just two examples of how deaf people have to push boundaries (their own & others’) to gain experience and advance in their chosen fields.