The HSE’s National Audiology Review (NAR, April 2011) listed a priority as to “Implement a National Newborn Hearing Screening Programme” in Ireland. In addition to the HSE’s estimated, annual €11 million funding for audiology services, €3.7 million was made available to apply NAR recommendations. From this total, just under €2 million was to fund implementation
The increasing cohort of 21st century parents and deaf children who choose technology like cochlear implants in place of learning sign-language, is documented in a front-page article in The New York Times (July 27, 2011). Less than 20 percent of all families [with deaf children] choose American Sign Language, with 80 percent wanting their children to
Confirming your infant has hearing issues or profound deafness is a big shock, but today’s infants have few limits when early spoken language intervention and hearing devices are accessed. Parents find their infant has hearing difficulties ever-earlier, thanks to public education and the hearing screening tests newborns undergo before leaving hospital. Oral deaf education seeks
NOTE: Digital hearing-devices are available earlier, to many pupils and students since this post was written in 2011. Some are accessing sound from infancy with actual independence and self-directed learning in their classrooms. The Special Needs Assistant (SNA) scheme in schools in Ireland was assessed in value-for-money terms by the Department of Education and Skills
Individual Education Plans (IEPs) are not mandatory in schools in Ireland, but give a practical way to structure and document a child’s learning progress. Parents & educators will use web-based tools for regular, collaborative contact and record-keeping. Try this formal IEP Checklist for a child in mainstream education. Building An Individual Education Plan When devising an
On July 13th 2011, a public protest took place outside Leinster House, on Kildare Street in Dublin. Public opposition was shown to government proposals to cap the number of special-needs assistants (SNAs) in the education system for the 2011-12 school year, amid moves to reduce the number of SNAs in the education system by 200
Dublin’s Southside People newspaper (July 6th edition) mentions how a young deaf pupil at a Dublin school is at risk of losing her classroom SNA (special needs assistant), if the current SNA-funding crisis is not resolved. Parents’ pain at special needs education cuts This Wednesday (July 13th), the Dail Technical Committee is meeting to dedicate their
“Fiver Friday“, launched on July 1st, aims to encourage the Irish population to go out and spend €5 extra on local products to kick-start the economy. IDK is offering its award-winning childrens’ book, “A Birthday For Ben“ at €5.00 per book, on Fridays through end-August 2011 (down from €8.99). Subscribers to our monthly ezine can buy
[Published in 2011] Proposed cuts to special-needs assistant (SNA) and resource teaching hours got extensive coverage in the recent national press, after the government announced a reduction in education support services from September 2011. Some deaf children (on a needs basis) have access to SNAs at mainstream schools, maybe with weekly resource-teaching hours approved by
For Sale: an Olympic-size swimming pool, six brick buildings, playing fields, a garage and a steam heating system as the Clarke School for Hearing and Speech in Massachusetts downsizes its campus after 144 years in existence. Historic Northampton School Campus Is For Sale Originally known as The Clarke School for the Deaf in Northampton (MA),
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