On December 18th 2013, Ireland’s health minister, James Reilly, delivered one of the best possible Christmas presents the Sound Advice team could have received. His health-service plan for 2014 listed €3.22 million to develop pediatric services for bilateral cochlear implants at the national cochlear implant centre at Beaumont Hospital in Dublin. Bilateral Pediatric Implants Funded
Media firm Frameweld hosted a recent webinar, “The User Experience (UX) of Captions”, to explore how automation at the right places in the caption production workflow is the key to creating a better captioning experience. Slideshow: The User Experience of Captions Key challenges when captioning audio-visual content: Lack of captions is worse than ‘bad’ captions
Video-conferencing and telemedicine strategies are used in Tennessee (US) by Vanderbilt University’s Bill Wilkerson Center to reach families of newborn babies who need follow-up tests after failing an initial hearing test at birth. Initiative Allows Remote Hearing Tests For Newborns Vanderbilt’s Audiology, SLT and VTOD Training Cleverly, the same programme will teach Vanderbilt’s pediatric audiology and
Advice to “work with what you know”, is routinely given to people starting a new career path, or changing tack. Both these students are doing just that – while entering careers not previously open to students with hearing issues. Read: Saratoga Student Takes Speech Pathology At UW Until very recently, the notion of a deaf student taking
The Visiting Teacher Service in Ireland is being reviewed by the Department of Education in the context of pupils’ changed needs and new technologies. January 20th, 2014 is YOUR deadline to feed back on your experiences of the Visiting Teacher Service (VTS) in Ireland, for this review. Dept of Education: Review of the Visiting Teacher Service
Children who receive cochlear implants can progress for several years afterward, a longitudinal research project by Penn State University shows. In a milestone multi-year study, the researchers found students’ peer relationships were impacted by teacher and peer acceptance within a school. Positive Long-Term Outcomes of Cochlear Implantation “We didn’t actually know how implanted children would do
School environments are famously tricky for children to hear what’s being said in class, by their teachers and classmates. And it’s not just children with hearing devices who struggle in a classroom: pupils with colds and allergies or English as another language, also benefit from positive school acoustics. Read: Tips For Hearing Well In The
People with hearing issues synergise their sight and hearing senses to detect and assimilate environmental information, according to research by Centre de Recherche Cerveau et Cognition (CERCO, CNRS/Université Toulouse III – Paul Sabatier), with the ENT department at Toulouse’s Hôpital Purpan. Read >> Hearing With Sight: Why Implants Have Variable Results Lip-Readers See And Hear Sound
Many parents ask the Sound Advice team, “what is AVT”? In short, Auditory-Verbal Therapy is a parent-led approach that teaches deaf children to listen and talk by using their residual hearing with consistent wearing of digital hearing-devices. Knowing that almost all deaf babies and children have usable hearing, AVT optimises their latent listening skills, which leads
Sound Advice has forty corporate-size Christmas cards in two designs, available immediately as a bulk purchase. These are quality 4-page A5 cards printed both sides, on 350 gsm silk, with one envelope for each card. A “Season’s Greetings” message inside each card accommodates all tastes and contexts. Please request these cards from our online shop or email
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