Deaf and hard of hearing children in need of language work in Ireland, may benefit from a solution devised in rural Minnesota, in the United States. Like Ireland, where a national shortage of speech teachers resulted from health-service hiring caps, Minnesota lacks speech teachers for children. However, Minnesota’s moves to reduce its shortage of speech teachers
A third-level student recently mailed Sound Advice. They were applying to volunteer in a developing country to further their studies but had some concerns about their hearing, and keeping their aids working. This student did not know where to post their questions or to seek advice, so Sound Advice‘s Caroline Carswell is responding on the
A recent question came in from the childcare sector. How are creche staff taught to manage a child’s hearing-devices (and a sound-field, if relevant)? This is a valid point. Devices like hearing-aids, cochlear implants and sound-fields can really benefit a child ‘picking up’ information in their environment, and to interact with creche staff and other
A strong case for newborn hearing tests is made with a recent study in the Netherlands, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Detection At Birth Gave Better Quality Of Life Children whose hearing issues were found at birth, had a better quality of life aged 3 and 5, than babies tested at
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