The annual Web Summit event – originating in Dublin, Ireland – gets dismissed by Ireland’s press but has grown into a respectable, mature conference attended by leaders, movers and shakers from the tech and other worlds. Dublin’s 2013 event was the first attended by Sound Advice, with 2014 bringing an attempt to redress the gender
Captioning is a lifeline in lectures, seminars and conferences for attendees who’re deaf, hard of hearing or use English as a second or other language. Typical users don’t know or use sign language and can capture notes from sessions, thanks to stenographers, palantypists or court reporters providing CART (Communication Access in Real-Time) on their behalf. CART In Higher Education
Demand for specialist teachers of speaking deaf children is so high that all graduates from the teaching program at California Lutheran University (CLU) were hired out of their course before summer 2017 began. Summer camps for verbal children with hearing issues to build peer support and address learning gaps are similarly growing in the US, with
Cochlear implants and infant intervention remove limits, as in these videos of Esraa El Bably (Egypt’s first deaf dentist) and New Zealand’s Josh Foreman (clinical physiology graduate). Foreman (below), the youngest New Zealander to receive a cochlear implant at the time, just graduated from the University of Auckland and works as a clinical exercise physiologist
” The reason most people assume that I know sign language is because people with cochlear implants and who use listening and spoken language are NOT well represented in the US media.” We talk with Jessica Chaikof, a junior majoring in sociology and a minor in chemistry at Wheaton College (MA), about life with cochlear implants. SA:
The 95 Decibels film returned to Dublin on June 10th, 2017 at the Irish Film Institute, for a “Take Two” after a successful event in 2014 at which many parents realised their children with cochlear implants CAN get to listen and talk, with guidance from auditory-verbal therapists. The film-making Meyers family from New Jersey joined a Q&A
Current teens with cochlear implants will like to read of Singapore-born Dr Joseph Heng and two female students, US-born Victoria Popov, with otolaryngology (ENT) in her sights, and UK-born Genevieve Khoury, in her second year of a medical degree. With clear surgical masks available for healthcare workers with hearing issues, and Bluetooth links going directly from stethoscopes
” I think the biggest obstacle is getting people to realize not all deaf people use ASL; a lot can actually speak, write well, and carry on long conversations in sometimes non-ideal settings.” We interviewed Alanna Kilroy, a business student at Boston University, who uses cochlear implants, is verbal and studied in the UK for
Accenture Ireland hosted its 13th celebration of International Womens’ Day at Dublin’s Convention Centre with some fantastic female speakers from journalists to leaders in the public service, sports, tech, business, science and arts sectors. Female business leaders, music,a women's rugby legend,and science and art with #womenonwalls. Great morning so far at #IWDCCD — Isabel
Lisa Goldstein is a journalist based in Pittsburgh, who happens to be deaf and verbal, with a cochlear implant. We interviewed her to discover what life is like when working her day job and running a family home with a hearing husband, two children and cat. SA: What bugs you most when people don’t understand your own
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