Ninety per cent of deaf children (over 3,300 in total) attend mainstream schools in Ireland. This statistic relating to inclusive education, shows general teaching approaches must change to support altering needs with digital hearing technologies and teaching techniques. Facilitating Inclusive Education in Ireland Inclusive education should be an option for parents in Ireland who want
Two recent articles in the Irish press highlighted two essential issues facing families with deaf children in Ireland. These are the need for: hearing-aids from as young as possible (under 1 year old), and early spoken-language intervention for children with severe to profound deafness How Does Hearing Lead To Education? Newcomers to deafness may ask,
Many visitors to the Sound Advice site ask this question. Its frequency is notable. There’s no reason a child who’s deaf can’t participate at creche, with the right supports in place. Same as when a child moves to junior infants at primary school. The team here is aware that some deaf children don’t attend preschool or creches
For a €4k cash prize, small firms in Ireland were recently invited by 3 Mobile and the Sunday Business Post’s “Computers in Business” magazine, to describe how €4,000 would boost their business in 2010. Irish Deaf Kids is delighted to advise that its pitch won the competition. This funding will be invested in a project
IDK was invited by the Arts Council to attend its Future Arts: FYI 2010 event for youngsters aged 15 to 23, in Dublin (March 27 – 29, 2010). Our role was to give a ‘hearing’ angle to the young delegates at the weekend’s discussions and workshops. This included basic hearing-awareness, explaining how Speedtext & ISL
Ann Heelan, executive director of AHEAD (Association for Higher Education Access and Disability), recently had an excellent piece in The Irish Times. A key point in the article states: ” Children with disabilities can learn as much as other children when given the right tools and the right learning environment. Technology can make a significant
“Sorting post in the mailroom of a large UK publishing house wasn’t what I went to university for. Admittedly the job was in the right field – publishing – the subject of my post-graduate diploma. The difficulty lay in convincing my new colleagues to see my potential, and not to focus on my hearing issues
In Japan, real-time captioning for deaf students at mainstream schools is being piloted on iPhones as a substitute for note-takers sitting with students. Primary schools in the Nagano region near Tokyo are to be the testbeds. The system will be tested through March 2010 by a consortium made up of Tsukuba Institute of Technology, Mobile
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