Irish Deaf Kids is holding a FREE seminar for deaf teens and their parents to explore college, career and employment options for deaf young people.
When: November 3rd
Where: Maldron Hotel, Parnell Square, Dublin 1
Time: 2pm to 4.30pm
IDK welcomes expressions of interest from deaf teens and their parents for this free afternoon session. Places are strictly limited to 24 attendees and only those registered to attend will access the event. A cancellation list will be in effect but places will be on a first-registered, first served basis.
Real-time captioning and ISL interpretation will be available for the event.
Presentations will cover:
- Paid, mentored placements for graduates with disabilities (opportunities and how to get involved)
- Internships and voluntary placements (how and why)
- Third-level college support services for deaf and hard-of-hearing students
- DARE – the disability access route to education – the tertiary admission scheme for students with disability (how this works and what is involved)
- Insights by deaf adults to their college experience and career pathways
Registration is essential. Please email: info<at> to request a registration form. Full details including agenda will be sent to registrants. Places strictly limited.